Franklin County Approves 2019-20 Promotion Grants
By Forgotten Coast Web Team | August 21, 2019

Franklin County Commissioners approved grant requests totaling more than $193,000 that were presented to them during their August 20 meeting by the Franklin County Tourist Development Council (TDC).
The grants will fund 22 groups that have asked for funding for either individual events or sustainability. In total, the grants will fund 42 events in the county during the 2019-20 fiscal year. The grant categories range from $2,000 small event grants, $5,000 major event promotion and $15,000 sustaining museum grants. Many groups receive funding for more than one event throughout the year through either the small or major grant category.
“The TDC thanks everyone who applied and congratulations to all,” said John Solomon, TDC executive director. “We appreciate everyone’s support in promoting tourism in Franklin County.” According to Solomon, every organization that submitted an application qualified and was approved.
The following groups were approved for funding in the following categories:
- Apalachicola VFD Auxiliary: Apalachicola Oyster Cook Off
- Apalachicola Area Historical Society: Fall Ghost Walk, Spring Ghost Walk, Heritage Dinner
- Apalachicola Bay Chamber of Commerce: Downtown Christmas Celebration, Apalachicola Downtown Art Walk, Antique and Classic Boat and Car Show
- City of Apalachicola HCA: National Great Blacks in Wax Traveling Exhibit, Women’s History Month
- Camp Gordon Johnston Association, Inc: Smithsonian Museum Day, Wartime Memories (3), Camp Gordon Johnston Days
- Carrabelle Chamber of Commerce: Carrabelle Riverfront Festival, Holiday on the Harbor, 7th Annual Forgotten Coast Cruisers Car Show,
- Carrabelle History Museum: Carrabelle Culture Crawl, Speaker Series (4)
- Carrabelle Lighthouse Association: Full Moon Climb Each Full Moon, Lantern Fest
- Dixie Theatre Foundation, Inc.: John Reno: Jim Croce Tribute, Purvis Brothers: Willie Nelson, David Earl: Comedy Tour, John Reno: American Pie
- FC Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Celebration: 33rd Annual Dr. MLK Jr. Day
- Mystic Crew of Salty Barkers: Apalachicola Mardi Gras Barkus Parade/Dog Park
- SGI Brewfest/ Franklin County Humane Society: SGI Brewfest
- FSU Coastal and Marine Laboratory: Whatever Floats Your Boat
- Ilse Newell Fund for the Performing Arts: Season Program Various dates
- Panhandle Players of the Forgotten Coast, LLC: Dearly Departed, Sweet Tea, Nutcracker, Boarders
- Rock By the Sea, Inc.: Write by the Sea
- St. George Lighthouse Assn. Inc.: Tour of Homes
- St. George Island Paint Out: Paint Out
- SGI Volunteer Fire Department: SGI Regional Charity Chili Cook-off and Auction
- Apalachicola Bay Chamber of Commerce: Butts & Cluck Cook-off
- City of Apalachicola/ Apalachicola HCA: Apalachicola Film Festival
- Forgotten Coast Paddle Club: Paddle Jam 2020
- Forgotten Coast Cultural Coalition, Inc: FC en Plein Air, America’s Great Paintout
- Hillside Coalition of Laborers for Apalachicola ( ‘HCA): African American History Festival
- Rock By the Sea, Inc: Rock By the Sea
- Camp Gordon Johnston Association, Inc: Camp Gordon Johnston World War II Museum
- Apalachicola Area Historical Society (AAHS): Raney House Museum
- City of Apalachicola: Apalachicola Center for History Culture and Art
- City of Carrabelle/ Carrabelle CARES: Carrabelle History Museum
- Carrabelle Lighthouse Association, Inc.: Crooked River Lighthouse and Keepers Museum
- St. George Island Lighthouse Association, Inc.: SGI Lighthouse Museum