En Plein Air: Just Plein Fun
By Forgotten Coast Web Team | February 25, 2021

The Forgotten Coast is known for its natural beauty and inspiration at every turn. It’s no surprise artists love to capture our picturesque landscape and scenes. In an effort to share our exquisite scenery with artists and art lovers from all around, the Forgotten Coast Cultural Coalition is offering En Plein Air, the Great American Paint Out. From March 19th to March 28th, world-renowned artists will be positioned all over our area, from Carrabelle to Apalachicola and beyond.

What is En Plein Air? En Plain Air means in the open air, and painting en Plein air is closely linked to the Impressionist art movement. Impressionism began in France when a group of young painters was inspired to capture a scene’s effect and the impression it made. Many Impressionist painters worked en Plein Air, including Monet, Cezanne, Degas, and Cassatt.
En Plein Air on the Forgotten Coast is an art festival in its 16th year. For ten days, 20 Internationally acclaimed artists will reside in our area painting, giving exclusive workshops, and showcasing their art.

Curious beginners and seasoned artists will find some great opportunities to participate in this year’s festival. The Quickdraw is a fun event that features a wide range of subject matter and requires participants to work quickly to finish painting their subject within the specified time frame. Afterward, the artwork is judged, and prizes ensue. On Wednesday, local students from Franklin County and Gulf County are paired with artists. Each artist will work one-on-one with a student to paint their own Plein Air piece. It’s hard to determine which is more beautiful, watching a young person come by inspiration from an experienced artist or the inspired art they produce.

Please check into the event details, as registration is required for certain events. Details may change as the need determines. We are committed to giving the highest quality experience for our artists and visitors, and we will adhere to best practices to avoid transmission of Covid-19. Join us, and turn your love for the Forgotten Coast into a love for art at the En Plein Air, the Great American Paint Out.