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Dog Island Is Moving: How and What It Means Speaker Program

January 20, 2024 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

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Dog Island Is Moving: How and What It Means Speaker Program

The Carrabelle History Museum is presenting an interesting speaker program entitled, “Dog Island Is Moving”. This program will feature an Archaeologist from the Florida Department of State and will be held Saturday, January 20, 2024, at 10 am – 12 pm in the upstairs room at C-Quarters Marina. There is no charge for this event.

Florida has the second longest continuous coastline of any state in the United States. Coupled with this, its many rivers, lakes, and sinks mean much of the state’s fascinating archaeological record exists underwater. The Florida Department of State, Division of Historical Resources is tasked with managing, interpreting, promoting, and protecting archaeological sites on state lands and in state waters. Recently, archaeologists from the state office conducted a remote sensing and sediment core survey around Dog Island. The purpose of this work was to study how the island has moved over time and how this movement may be affecting shipwrecks and other archaeological sites in the vicinity. This talk will discuss the methods used to map the seafloor around Dog Island and how scuba divers collected and analyzed sediment cores to trace island movement. Preliminary results and plans for future research will also be covered. Finally, this talk will highlight the importance of protecting archaeological sites and what the public can do to contribute to these efforts.


C-Quarters Marina, Carrabelle
501 St. James Ave (Hwy 98)
Carrabelle, FL 32322 United States
+ Google Map


Carrabelle History Museum
(850) 697-2141