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Remembering Carrabelle High School Exhibit

Carrabelle History Museum 106 SE Ave B, Carrabelle

The Carrabelle History Museum will present a special exhibit featuring Carrabelle High School memorabilia. It is part of the new and expanded Family Life Room with high school sports trophies…


ACHA: Paper Hand Puppet Intervention “Kid Series”

Apalachicola Center for History, Culture & Arts 86 Water Street, Apalachicola

This exhibit is in the upstairs gallery through the month of October. The afterschool program Project Impact created a larger-than-life Seahawk puppet along with Monarch Butterflies, Flowers, and Fish. Come…

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Celebrating Carrabelle High School

Carrabelle History Museum 106 SE Ave B, Carrabelle

The Carrabelle History Museum will present “Remembering Carrabelle High School”. The month-long exhibit will culminate with a special Carrabelle High School Reunion Reception at the Carrabelle History Museum on Saturday, July…

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