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Events on Florida's Forgotten Coast

Panhandle Players Present Live from Apalach: Halloween Edition

Chapman Auditorium 155 Avenue E, Apalachicola, FL, United States

The Panhandle Players will present an evening of adult comedy, skits, and more with ‘Live from Apalach: Halloween Edition”.  Enjoy an evening at the theatre with some good laughs, beverages,…

Susan Buzzett Clementson Author Event: Elizabeth Stuckey-French

Apalachicola Margaret Key Library 12th Street and Avenue E, Apalachicola, FL 32320

Come to this Free author event for a presentation, Q&A, and book signing with author Elizabeth Stuckey-French. She'll be talking about her book The Revenge of the Radioactive Lady which…

Event Series Open Mic Nights

Open Mic Nights

Eastpoint Beer Company 374 Highway 98, Eastpoint, FL, United States

Come on out and showcase your talent. Do you sing? Play an instrument? Want to share a story, or recite a poem? Feel free to use this as your opportunity!…

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